The Purpose Of Fasting: Ramadan 2023
The holiest month approaches us steadfastly. During this month, Muslims fast during the daylight hours. We look forward to the holy month of Ramadan for many reasons. The most important reason is for us to get closer to Allah and strengthen our Iman (Faith). But how is this done? How do we improve ourselves during Ramadan? Why do we fast? The answers are given to us in the Quran and in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ( ﷺ ).

When we fast, we deprive our bodies of food and drink. We also deprive ourselves of immoral acts and anger. Every human who fasts feels hunger and thirst. Our stomachs will ask for food and throats will ask for water. But what stops us from eating and drinking? The answer is our hearts. Our hearts have the fear of Allah in them and tells us that even though we feel hunger and thirst, our fear of Allah is greater. The heart tells us that we will not disobey Allah and will continue fasting until the sun is set.
Fasting goes on for one whole month. During this month our hearts are strong and will not waver as long as we keep Allah close to us. Of course, there is more to Ramadan than just abstaining from eating and drinking during daylight. We must also abstain from other things that can potentially be harmful to us. These include lowering your gaze and not getting angry.
Abstaining from these during the month of Ramadan teaches us patience and gives us a way to break away from bad habits. Fasting during this holy month will allow us to get closer to Allah and give us a better understanding of those who are in need.
Click here to see 10 of our favorite Hadith regarding fasting and Ramadan and here for the best du’a to say this Ramadan!